Life the way it is

Some people in my class are idiots. They have like no feelings at all. Im going in a great small school, with great teachers who cares about their students. I love my school, they understand me. I used to get in  fights in my old school, i was bullied, they didn't understand a shit. The teachers and the students were all so fucked up. But in this great school, the people are fucking ruin it. I don't wanna leave it, but i wanna leave the retarded people. They are against that im a vegetarian, they are like "we've have been eating meat forever" yeah so? We have other altnerativs now, so we can change that. It dosent matter what we have done. Sometimes it does of course, like if you have been cheating on someone, lying black lies. But you can change that. Should i say then "there has been murderers forever, so we can keep on doing that too" People don't understand that animals have feelings too. Ive done some mean stupid things in my life, everybody has. And i regret it, and i will never do that again. You can change who you are, you can change to a better person. But do the humans care? NO! We are so lazy and only think about or self. Don't wanna help anybody.
Then there is great people, that cares. And i like those people, real people, thats not fake.
In the beginning of our generation we ate plants and other stuff, not meat. The first pizza only had cheese and tomatoes on it, no meat. So that is the real pizza, with no meat.
I don't like myself that much, i don't think im a nice person. I try to be, i really do. But i feel like im letting my friends down, my parents..
I cant do anything, i can sing and play a little bit guitar, and thats it. 
I wanna be big with my band. That would be so awesome. Be famous, you know?
And if i get famous, im gonna give away money to humans and animals that need help.
Humans who dosent get a thing, the ones that people don't care about.
I care so much, i know i can do more. But i just don't, i don't know why. Im just lazy, like everybody else in this shitty fucked up world.
People complain that they don't get an iphone, they think im weird cause i have not been around in the world that much.
I wanna travel, i wanna get away, see the world… you know?
But me and my family don't have so much money. Im not saying that we're poor, we are pretty good.
I have my own room, we have computers, tv, wii beds… i can go on forever, but you know what i mean.
Its really expansive to travel, and we cant afford to do that every year.
But im happy, i have a good life.
im bipolar cause stuff like that has been going on in my family for generations.
So the days that i feel good, it makes me see the light in my life.
So my life isn't so hard, its just the disease thats making me feel like this.
I have really bad confidence.
I don't like my look, my body… everything about me.
I like my teeth though.. maybe thats weird i don't know.
Im so lucky that i have my friends, my family and my boyfriend.
They are so supportive. 
I feel bad sometimes, cause it feels like im bringing them down.
And that's the last thing i wanna do.


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